Monday, February 22, 2010
Winter Beauty

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A Future Olympian?
Last night I was watching figure skating on the Olympics when Maddie starting imitating some of the moves saying, "I'm ice skating." It was so cute I had to get it on video. Enjoy!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Valentine's Day
I used to really despise this day. But now that I’ve had someone to share it with for the last 3 years, I don’t really see what the big deal is. Granted, I appreciate the idea of having a day devoted to celebrating your love for someone, but I get to do that EVERYDAY! So what makes February 14th any different? I blame it on jewelry stores and flower shops. My husband scoffs at all the jewelry commercials that are on tv this time of year. He hates how they convey the idea that you NEED to buy diamonds for your wife or girlfriend in order to show your love. There was even a sign in the window of a local jewelry store that said “Wife Insurance.” So I’m probably never going to get jewelry as a gift. (We didn’t even exchange cards this year). But that’s OK. I hardly ever wear any anyways. I have a hard time justifying the cost and it wouldn’t change the level of love that I have for
Speaking of jewelry, while I was getting ready to go out to dinner yesterday, Maddie came into our room and proceeded to put on every piece of jewelry that I had.