Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Like many others, I've noticed, I've been neglecting my blog in lieu of Facebook. I suppose that now that I can access and update Facebook directly from my phone, it's so much easier to write about all the quick non-important day to day goings on there and leave all the major (and long) updates to Blogger. Also, since more people seem to view Facbook than my blog (including most of the people who read my blog), it's almost a why bother. Plus, there just haven't been that many major life happenings worth writing about. I don't really want to write too many details about the results of our robbery (in either medium) for security reasons. You never know who's looking at it. I suppose I could have written about Madison's 3rd birthday party last month, but I'm still sorting through all the pictures to find the best ones to post.

Of course there are a few things on Facebook that I can't do from my phone and that require me to be in front of our computer at home (which doesn't happen that often). I can't upload photos that weren't taken from my phone, and I can't link my latest blog update to Facebook when I actually DO have one of those long and detailed life events that can't be summed up in a sentence or two. So perhaps my blog isn't dead after all.

So for a personal update, we are nearly complete with our settlement from the insurance company, I think we got our credit stuff resolved (we were finally able to obtain the financing we requested), and we are looking forward to flying up to Michigan this weekend.