Thursday, December 29, 2005

Vacation's Over

Well, today it was back to work. I spent the first hour just sifting through the 42 emails in my inbox and 3 voicemail messages. But I guess it was a good first day back. I had completely forgotten what I had been working on before I left, but I soon remembered. It was a fairly easy day, but I had plenty to do. Tomorrow should be much of the same, then I get a long weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed my vacation. You can read Mom's account of it because it was pretty much the same for me (at least the parts from Wed. to Wed.) except that on Monday, Gramps & I drove down to OH to visit with the Kushnirs and I went to see Geisha on Tuesday w/ Kristie. The next things on my calendar to look forward to are my New Year's Party Sat. night, Wednesday being my 27th birthday and our choir's Epiphany Cantata (on Epiphany of course - Jan 6).

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas Vacation

I should be taking off on Northwest Flight #419 in just about 12 hours. The forcast is fairly clear, so I don't forsee any delays. I am so ready for a vacation! I've already put in over 20 hours this week. I've somehow managed to roll myself out of bed the past couple mornings to get here by 7am. It wasn't easy with it being so dark and cold. It's 46 degrees outside and the sun isn't up yet, but I'm at work! I will most likely be sleeping on the plane tonight. I think if I just closed my eyes for a blink, I could fall asleep. But after this I will have a whole week of much deserved rest and relaxation.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

New Old Furniture

Last night I obtained a couple pieces of furniture courtesy of the American Lung Association. While helping Becky paint her offices, I noticed a couple pieces of furniture that they were just getting rid of. I got a table and a cradenza. Sure, they're not the highest of quality and they need to be cleaned up a bit, but they work and help to complete my dining area.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

So Much To Do, So Little Time

Mom posted today about overbooking commitments. While I haven't double-booked anything (yet), I'm starting to think that maybe I'm taking on too many things. I'm already starting to stress about all the things I need to do in the next 2 weeks (before I skip town for the holidays). I've barely put a dent in my Christmas shopping or with making my Christmas cards. Friends have requested my time with painting and decorating. And to add to that, yesterday my boss calls our whole team into a meeting to tell us that we are getting behind and with the holidays/vacation he requested that we all put in extra time. He did give us the incentive that if we put in an extra week's work (i.e. 40 hours) between now and the end of the month, he will reward us with a nice monitary bonus (4 digits large). I am going to do my best to reach that goal, but I don't know if it is physically possible (with all the aformentioned things I have to do) to squeeze an extra 40 hours in the next 2 weeks without killing myself.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Holiday Party Weekend

I had a pretty full weekend. Saturday afternoon, I helped Becky paint her offices at the American Lung Association. It was a lot of fun. Believe it or not, but I have never painted before. After that, I got all cleaned up and went to my office Holiday Party. It was at a restaurant that was literally like 3 blocks from my apartment. I probably could have walked there (I wouldn't, but I could). I wore my bridesmaid dress from Mike & Sonia's wedding (thanks for picking out a good one). I got a lot of compliments on it. The party was fun. It was kind of strange to see everyone all dressed up. I hardly recognized a few people (especially all the new people). For entertainment, we had a couple magicians walking around doing card tricks and such. I'm still amazed at how they do it. The food was delicious. As a gift, everyone got "official" Cuhaci & Peterson jackets.

I said this was a weekend of Holiday Parties, because on Sunday I went to a special Christmas dinner for all the women of Trinity. That, too, was a lot of fun. Becky & I went together. The theme was about Snowflakes. They focused on friendships and how important it is to have close female friends. It was great to share the evening with one of my best friends.

So now the weekend is over and it's back to the working world. But I'll be home in just over 2 weeks! Yay! Of course, that also means I better get moving on my Christmas shopping and getting my cards out.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

December 1

Now that it is December, I can start to get in the "Christmas Spirit" (unlike all the retailers who start right after the Fourth of July). It's a little more difficult to do so when all I see are blue skies and palm trees. So, I've changed my desktop on my computer to a picture I took of the snow while I was home for Thanksgiving.

Now, everytime I turn on my computer, I feel like I'm looking out of my bedroom window. I've also recorded all my favorite Christmas songs and put them on one CD. I have over 7 hours of listening pleasure. Now I can begin my Christmas shopping, except that I have no idea what to get anyone. If anyone has any suggestions, please email me.