Monday, November 14, 2005

Nothin' Much

Well, since hardly anyone else blogged today, I might as well. Although, I don't really have anything to say. Work has been very busy. Everyone wants their projects before the holidays begin. Other than that, I spent the weekend working on my apartment. I spent more time on decorating rather than unpacking. I think I've COMPLETELY unpacked 2 boxes since I moved in. Otherwise, I've been unpacking on a need basis. Some things are staying packed until I have a place to put them (like expanding my desk and getting shelf unit that I want from IKEA). When I eventually get my place together, I'll be sure to post pictures. But you'll have to be patient as time and money (mostly the latter) keep me from doing it all at once.

1 comment:

Mrs. Patterson said...

They don't call me Patient Patterson for nothing. We're you intending to have IKEA ship when the time comes, or are you waiting to revisit the one in Schaumberg or waiting for the one in Canton to open?