Friday, August 31, 2007

Pregnancy Update

If you've read my mom's blog, you've heard that my doctor has diagnosed me with preeclampsia, also known as toxemia. Basically it is high blood pressure during pregnancy. No one really knows what causes it and it will go away as soon as the baby is born. While it is a very serious condition, as long as I take it easy and do what my doctor says, Maddie & I will be just fine. My doctor has ordered me to go on bedrest for the remainder of my pregnancy. Yesterday was my last day of work. While I don't necessarily have to stay in bed 24/7, I do have to stay off my feet as much as possible and keep them elevated. No cooking or cleaning. I also need to drink lots of water. I will have to go to the hospital twice a week for a non stress test. This may sound like a dream come true (especially for me) to be ordered to lay around and do nothing. But I do have the feeling that even I will get bored after a few days and I still have 6 weeks to go. I do, however, have alist of things I can still do. I can get caught up on my IDP paperwork. I can pick out pictures for our wedding album. I can read parenting books. I've also been working on a portfolio for Bryan.

I'm really looking forward to my parents' visit this weekend. They can help get the nursery ready, since I won't be able to do anything. I'll also be having a baby shower this weekend. I see no reason to cancel or postpone it. I'll try to keep you updated with any developments. For now, just keep us in your prayers.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Belly Picture

After SEVERAL requests, I finally have a belly picture. Here I am today at 32 weeks. That means I have only 8 weeks to go, just under 2 months! Everything is going well. Madison continues to move and stretch her little arms and legs.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I almost didn't get an ultrasound today. First, I went straight to the office where they do the ulrasounds just like last time. I had been there before. I knew where to go. We must have had the first appointment of the day because there was no one else in the waiting room. I go to the receptionist and she tells me that I have to go to the admissions desk to get registered. I couldn't find the referral that my doctor had given me. They said that they wouldn't see me without it (even though I didn't have one the last 2 times I was there) and would have to reschedule. I called my doctor's office but no one answered. We left the hospital and drove to my doctor's office (though we could have walked since it's right across the street). As we got there, the nurses had JUST walked in the door. I go in and tell them my situation, and they right me up a new one. We go back to the hospital hoping that they'll still see us. This time I go straight to the admissions desk. They'll still see us. The receptionist gives us a beeper (just like the ones at crowded restaurants) and we take a seat. About 2 mintues later it goes off and we are greeted by a man who takes us to an office to get all my insurance info. After all that is said and done, he escorts us to the Fetal Diagnostics office (where I originally went). We take our seat and the man gives my paperwork to the receptionist there. After about 5 minutes, they call me up to fill out more paperwork. I do that and take a seat. They finally call us for the ultrasound, but couldn't locate my file because of the different name. They find my file and we finally get the ultrasound underway. I love this part! It took away any frustration I had with the hospital logistics. They took a lot of pictures and measurments (though they only gave me a handful - but on a CD which was nice). It was cool to see how she is growing. The doctor did seem somewhat concerned that Madison is measuring a little on the small side. He'd like to see me again in about 5 weeks.

Sunday, August 05, 2007