Monday, June 30, 2008

One Year Ago

I can hardly believe that it's been a year already. It sure went by fast. I suppose it is true what they say, "time flies when you're having fun!" They also say that the first year is the hardest. Well, if we can get through the birth of our first child, moving halfway across the country, & buying a home (which we have) all in one year, I think we can get through ANYTHING.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

We're Homeowners

Here's our house! Yep, yesterday afternoon we finally closed on the house. Now the work begins. There's a bit of work that will need to be done before we even move in. This picture was taken a couple months ago (hence the bare trees). Now you can't even see the house from the road.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ideal Baby

I took Madison in for her 9-Month Well Baby checkup. She's 18 pounds, 8 ounces & 27-1/2 inches long, the ideal, 50th percentile, size. You would never guess by looking at her now that she was only 4 lbs at birth. I thought for sure that she was going to exceed the 20 lb weight limit on her carseat. She does, however, exceed the length of 26 inches, so we should probably get her a new Big Girl carseat. The doctor said that she was in perfect health. He also said that I could start giving her real milk, even though everywhere I have read, it says not until she's a year-old.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

9 Month Photos

Maddie is 9 months old today! Here are a few pictures from her photo shoot this morning. The rest (there's about 25 of them) should be available for viewing online in a day or two. I'll send the link when their up. But if you want any for yourselves, do NOT order them from the website. I have the CD with full copyright release so I can get them reprinted elsewhere for a much more reasonable price. Just let me know which poses.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Fed up

For the past few days, we've been having problems with a malfunctioning fire alarm. It keeps going off, even though there is no fire. Most of the time it would just give 3 beeps and be done (until about 15 minutes later when it would go off again). Sometimes it would go off at 4:30 in the morning. It's not quite the wake up call I wanted. But twice now, it has given off a constistant alarm for about 20-30 minutes straight. It's extremely loud and you can't stand to be inside the apartment. Last night, we had enough. Fortunately, Bryan's folks were willing to put us up for the night. After talking with our apartment management, I found out that aparently, the FACP had gotten fried during a recent thunderstorm and the whole complex was affected. The control panel is supposed to be replaced today. On a positive note, I suppose we should be grateful that the sprinklers didn't malfunction, too.