Maddie is growing up way too fast. Today is her first day full-time in the Young Toddler room (she has been visiting for the past month or so). I know she'll do well over there. It's a bigger room for her to explore. All the babies that she started with are over there now. I'm anxious to see her daily report to see how it all went. I was a little sad when I dropped her off, though Madison made a bee-line for the toys. I can't believe she's almost a year old! She can stand on her own now (and even took a half-step). At my company picnic this weekend, she ate a whole hot dog (cut up, of course). She's not my little baby girl any more. Now she's my BIG baby girl.
8 years ago
I can't believe it either. She sure is beautiful and happy. I'm so glad that I got to spend some time with her up north!
God has truly blessed you and Bryan.
(word verification whysbg:
"Why so big?")
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