I hope everyone had a wonderful Independance Day. I just have to say that for me, this year was one of the best! I didn't do anything really special. I just went over to Tiffany & Jenny's house for a little "indoor picnic". It was a small gathering (7 of us), that is, until Micelle & her family showed up. Then the numbers doubled. We ate sandwiches & strawberry shortcake. We played a game of Balderdash (I did not do very well). After dark, we went to Lake Eola to watch the fireworks. While they may not have been as well coreographed and technilogical as those put on by Disney or Universal, I thoroughly enjoyed them. We were about as close as you can safely get. I could feel every boom in my chest. It was interesting to hear the reverberation off all the tall buildings of downtown. But the best part, was just being with my friends.
I pray for safe travel as mom & dad are on their way back to America. And I pray for continued travel safety for Mike & Sonia as they continue on to Paris.
8 years ago
God Bless America. Too hot or too wet for an outdoor picnic? It will be great to see you in two days. I'm glad you're having a good year, same here.
There is probably no way you'll ever know, the answer is too secure.
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