Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Summer's Nearly Over

I know you teachers and students don't want to hear it. Believe it or not, some schools down here went back in session YESTERDAY!!! Trinity starts next week. But that will all change next year. A law passed which restrict schools from starting before mid-August. I recall when it was a big deal that we started BEFORE Labor Day. But I suppose they aren't complaning when they are let out in early May. Of course now that I'm in the working world, none of that really makes a difference. If I were them, though, I think I'd rather go to school in the summer (when it's too hot to be outside anyways) and have the winters off when the weather is PERFECT.

Happy August everyone :)


Mrs. Patterson said...

Happy August to You. I'm liking our late start date. Sept. 5

Heidi said...

Yep, back to school is definitely on the brain. Just got back from the preschool board meeting.