Tuesday, February 05, 2008

First Days

Yesterday was my first day back in the workforce. It went pretty well. I have a nice big desk right next to a wall of windows. My new coworkers seem really nice. I was invited to lunch with some of the girls. The work is quite different from what I'm used to and way more complex. But I think I can handle it and I'm ready for the challenge.

Yesterday was also Maddie's first day of day care. Her daily report informed me that she did great and was an "awesome baby" (of course I already new that). The teacher even told me that some of the boys were trying to roll over next to her. I'm going to have to keep an extra close eye on her.

Today is Day 2 on a wet and stormy Tuesday morning. It was absolutely GORGEOUS yesterday. So maybe some of you Michiganders will have a beautiful day today.


Mrs. Patterson said...

Two days in a row of blogging. Hooray. It sounds like a good start. I'm glad you're being challenged.

Amber said...

Hey, Amy!! Thanks for the comment on my blog...it was great to find yours and see what you've been up to. You've had a LOT going on! I'm glad to hear your first few days back at work went well. I'm looking forward to my maternity leave, but not looking forward to having to go back afterward!!