Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Away In The Manger

This is yet again one of those times when I wish my camera recorded sound. While Madison is doing something cute as usual, you miss the fact that she is dancing to "Away in the Manger" that is being played from her Nativity set.

Here are some more pictures. One of Madison stuffing as many people in the stable as possible. The other of Bryan putting up our Christmas lights.


Mrs. Patterson said...

For some reason my computer lost its sound so I really appreciate the video as is, darling. Take a picture of your house in the dark so I can see Bryan's handiwork. I love that plaid jumper, where did she get that?

Pam said...

We can sing along! Maybe I need the practice. The Christmas program is coming up this weekend and last year I messed up the verses to "Away in the Manger" and confused the kindergarteners.