Friday, March 27, 2009

Just When I Thought Winter Was Over

The trees are blossoming. The grass is greening. The flowers are burting. We are preparing our garden. Spring is nearly in full bloom. So guess what. We're supposed to get 6-8 inches of snow tomorrow! Gotta love the midwest.


Well, we didn't get near as much snow as they predicted, thank goodness. But we did get about 2 inches (plus ice) none the less. The other good news is that the temperatures will remain above freezing, so it won't last long. Then we will be able to see our pretty flowers once again (if the snow didn't kill them).

1 comment:

Mrs. Patterson said...

I thought your update may have had something to do with the final score between the Jayhawks and Spartans. I was such a sweet mother-in-law by not retuning a nah nah nah phone call.