Friday, May 29, 2009

Pay Attention

My brain must already be on weekend mode today. As I was packing my lunch this morning, I accidently opened the can of pop that I was packing instead of the bag of green beans. Then, while driving to work, I was in the wrong lane and completely missed my exit. Well, it is Friday after all. Have a great weekend everybody!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Michigan Memorial Day Weekend

Here are some pictures from our Memorial Day weekend in Michigan:

At Aunt Marlene's house:

Playing in the sandbox:

Up in the treehouse with Grammy:
Pretty flowers:

Seth's 3rd birthday party:

The cousins:

Friday, May 22, 2009


Maddie had her first semi-major boo-boo last night. She was playing on her tricycle, when it tipped over and she bumped her head on the coffee table. We rushed to her assistance. At first everything seemed to look OK until I tilted her head up and saw the 1/2" long cut on her chin. We whipped out the first aid kit. Bryan [tried] to hold her down, while I cleaned the wound. The cut looked somewhat deep. We weren't sure if we should take her to the ER (it was too late for urgent care) to get stitches. But the bleeding seemed to subside so we just cleaned it really good and put on a band-aid. She may end up with a scar, but it's on the bottom of her chin, so it shouldn't be too noticable.

I feel awful because I should have been able to prevent it. I know the tricycle tips over very easily, so I should have made sure it was farther away from the table. I hate to see my baby in pain. Though, I have to say, she got over it fairly quickly - maybe 30 minutes of crying, tops. Then she was off laughing and playing like nothing ever happened. She's one tough cookie.

She seems to have inherited some clumsiness from me (the one who TWICE cut her backside on the corner of the bathroom counter).

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Mouse In My Car!

Yes, you heard me right. There is currently a LIVE mouse hiding somewhere in my car. I had just started off on my way to work when I thought I saw something move out of the corner of my eye (thinking it was probably some kind of large bug). I looked around, and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. I kept on driving when yet again, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked around again...nothing. I started to thing that maybe it was all in my head. Then once more I looked over my shoulder, and there he was scampering along my door, then onto the floor again. I screamed at the top of my lungs (and swerved a little). I pulled over as soon as I could and got out to look around, but yet again I saw nothing. I hesitantly got back in my car and continued on to work. I opened the windows all the way, since I had always seen him running along the sill, I thought maybe he would jump out. I was nearly all the way to work without another sighting. Then about a mile from my exit, I saw him again running along the dash. I grabbed my ice scraper and tried to push him towards the passenger window and then out (all while driving down the highway). But no luck. He jumped in the back seat. When I arrived at work, I yet again looked all over the place for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. I'm leaving the windows cracked in hopes that he may crawl out by the time I get back in. I'm really lucking that I didn't get into an accident during these sightings.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Belated Pictures

I realize that I haven't blogged in a while, so here are some pictures that were taken since my last post.

Mowing with Daddy:

Trying out the potty:

At the baseball game with Adeline:
Tasty Stickers:
Here are some pictures of our dogwood tree as I was experimenting with macro-photography: