Maddie had her first semi-major boo-boo last night. She was playing on her tricycle, when it tipped over and she bumped her head on the coffee table. We rushed to her assistance. At first everything seemed to look OK until I tilted her head up and saw the 1/2" long cut on her chin. We whipped out the first aid kit. Bryan [tried] to hold her down, while I cleaned the wound. The cut looked somewhat deep. We weren't sure if we should take her to the ER (it was too late for urgent care) to get stitches. But the bleeding seemed to subside so we just cleaned it really good and put on a band-aid. She may end up with a scar, but it's on the bottom of her chin, so it shouldn't be too noticable.
I feel awful because I should have been able to prevent it. I know the tricycle tips over very easily, so I should have made sure it was farther away from the table. I hate to see my baby in pain. Though, I have to say, she got over it fairly quickly - maybe 30 minutes of crying, tops. Then she was off laughing and playing like nothing ever happened. She's one tough cookie.
She seems to have inherited some clumsiness from me (the one who TWICE cut her backside on the corner of the bathroom counter).
Maybe a club should be started - SOTC Club (Scar on the Chin Club). She joins Lucy and Sophie in membership.
She's in excellent company in the SOTC Club. Plus she comes from a line of Klutz'. I can't believe you blogged two days in a row. I guess you must wait for extraordinary events.
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