Well, there's not real easy way to say this, so I'm just giong to come out with it. Bryan and I broke up today. But don't worry about me, I'm not asking for your pity or anything. It was actually somewhat mutual. We both wanted different things and there were some very important factors that were missing from the very beginning, one in particular is God. My faith is the most important part of my life. It is my #1 priority. I want the person with which I intend to spend the rest of my life with to share these priorities. I know that it rare, but I believe it is worth waiting for. That is one thing that I take into consideration with whom I may date. Bryan is looking for a serious relationship that may lead to a life long commitment. While I am looking for that too, I knew it wasn't with him. I was partially holding out that some things may change. I regained hope when he agreed to come to church with me, but I could tell that his heart was not in it and at this time, he had no intentions of making it a priority. This wasn't the only factor, but it was one of the bigger and more impotant factors. On the upside, we are still going to try to remain friends, if possible. While I did care for him, and still do, my feelings for him were never as strong as his feelings for me. In actuality, I feel pretty good right now. In a way, the pressure is off. Now I don't have to be so concerned about what he may be thinking or what his intentions are.
When I look around at the people I know, especially the members of my family, I see many relationships which I admire and one day hope to aspire to. In particular, I look at my parents. In my eyes, they have the perfect marriage. Sure, I've heard an arguement or two while growing up, but they work through it because they love each other. They have a great love for each other. But even greater than that, is their love for Jesus. I pray that one day I will find someone just like that. I know God has someone picked out who is perfect for me. If only I knew when and where to find him.
So it's back to the land of Singledom for me. But it's totally cool. I may be a little disappointed, but I'm not heart-broken. Life goes on...
8 years ago
What a great attitude! You, dear one, must make God smile with pride at His child.
Linda K.
I absolutely agree with Linda. Amy, it's so nice to know you have your priorities straight. I hope you can stay friends and have someone to spend time with and hopefully he'll come around to knowing and loving Christ as you do. You know what you want, so you'll know it when it's here. Your post makes me smile because we do have excellent role models, don't we? Have a great week~
Thanks for being you and thank you for honoring our marriage.
Amy, I am amazed by you - you are SUPER! I have a feeling that disappointment may be uncomfortable or unsettling at times, but God has given you such a good attitude expressed though this post, that I have no doubt God is further preparing you for the proper time and will clue you in when you are in that place too.
Just don't forget to mail my invitation when that time and place arrive. < wink >
I agree with all of the above comments. Good for you, Amy! One of my favorite verses comes to mine - "'I know the plans I have for you'declares the Lord". Good for you for waiting for His plans! Love, Pam
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