I had a LOUD awakening on Saturday morning. At about 10 after 7 in the morning, a near-by parking garage (about 1,000 feet away) was imploded. I was actually awakened at about 6:45 with all the helecoptors hovering nearby. I had planned to actually go and watch it. I mean, how often does a building get imploded right outside your front door? I had almost reached the "public viewing area" when I heard the blasts go off. I started running, but by the time I got there, all I could see was the cloud of dust. So I just went back inside to watch the replay on the news (click on the title for a video/slideshow). As it turns out, I really didn't miss much. The garage was only 4 levels high and partially obstructed by the highway. It was still kinda cool and very loud. It took all of 8 seconds for the garage to come down. This implosion is the beginning of a major road construction project to help relieve some of the traffic problems in downtown. Here's my thought on this. The project is supposed to help traffic in the long run, but during the actual construction, traffic problems or only going to be worse. And by the time they finish the project (in 3 years), there will be 10 times even MORE traffic in the area because this place is growing so fast.
The last time a building was imploded in downtown Orlando, it was actually used for a movie. If you've ever seen Lethal Weapon 3, the building that explodes in the opening sequence is the old City Hall (it was imploded in October 1991).
That's the first good reason I've heard for watching that movie.
Do you have parking garage dust all over your apartment?
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