I see that Amanda has returned to blogging. Welcome back! I'm still here, too. I know it's been awhile. I just figure you really don't want to here all the boring details of my life. I get up, go to work, come home, repeat. It's 4 weeks to the big office move to Baldwin Park. We'll be moving whether the building is finished or not (otherwise, we'll be on the street). Because we will have professional movers and they don't want anyone getting in their way, I will get TWO DAYS off work!! What on earth will I do? Any suggestions? All my friends will be working. I want to be productive and do something fun. I will have to come in on the weekend to help set everything up for business on Monday, so that rules out taking a long weekend trip. I suppose I could do an overnighter, but I am trying to save money.
Here's a thought or two: Finish that adorable fabric wall in your dining area. Do laundry. Hang your original artwork in your bedroom, help Jon and Becky move into their condo (hopefully for them). Take those cast off clothes to a drop off place (sorry I was going to do that for you)Organize your closet and dresser drawers.(For me that never stays done) Dust and vacuum. Rent a carpet machine. Plant some vinca at your back door. Paint the inside of your broom closet. Work on your potential scrapbooks. Write letters to your family. Pick out your new slipcovers. (Are you sorry you asked?)
Yikes Joyce, that would be work enough for 2 weeks for me! Have fun with whatever you decide Amy!
Take a walk in the garden you took me to when I was there, go to the beach, go window-shopping in Winter Park, read a good book, rent some movies, take a nap, do a Sudoku puzzle, bake some cookies, go visit a town you've never been to, relax.
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