Yes, I’m doing it again - I signed up for the 2008 Breast Cancer 3-Day! I had such an incredible experience doing the 3-Day two years ago that I’m going back for more. This year, I will be walking in Washington, D.C. I’m so excited about this event, even though this year I really know what I’ve gotten myself into. I will be walking with Sonia again and we’ve joined a new team – Crewz’n 60.
This event isn’t easy, but I promise you, I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t believe 100% that it was worth every muscle ache, weary night and training walk.
I need your help. I am planning on surpassing the $2,200 that you - my friends and family - gave so generously last time around to help fight breast cancer.
Please visit my new blog that I’ve set up just for this walk. Here, you can make a donation, keep up with my fundraising & training progress, and see a video from the Tampa Bay walk two years ago. If you have any questions or want to hear more about what I’m doing, I love talking about the event. Thanks for all of your support. I’m incredibly lucky to have people like you in my life!
Don’t wait - donate today!
That's great Amos. I will donate, but my dial up is slow at home and I cannot access the blog at school, but I'm 100% with you. I think I'll do the walk when I'm sixty. It will take me that long to train. I love the Madison's ticker, I didn't notice that before.
Awesome video Amy! Way to go! Supporting you guys all the way!!
I'm sure you've already seen the video. You should have a copy of it somewhere. I gave one to all my supporters.
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