I guess I've left you all in suspense long enough. I won't be surprised if all of you smart people already figured it out. Or perhaps my mom has already blabbed it. I thank you in advance for respecting my privacy in this matter. I just didn't want the interrogation that would follow and I don't want to make a big deal about it, especially during the weekend of my brother's wedding. There were certain people which I had to tell this to in person before I made a public announcement. OK, here it goes...I'm dating someone. Many of you blog readers may recall my former coworker and friend Bryan. We have known each other for a little over 2 years now, but have remained "just friends", hanging out, going to the movies, etc. Well, after a 3 month hiatus of not even speaking to each other (for no particular reason), we have decided to take our relationship to the next level per say. It's nothing too serious right now. I have no idea what, if any, kind of future we may have together, but I'm trying not to think about it too much, just take it one day at a time, and enjoy the moment. So there you have it. That's my big news. That's why I only got 2 hours of sleep before my flight to Chicago. Are you happy now?
Yes, we're happy! It did sneak through the grapevine...and my question was "The Bryan with the I or the Y?" So at least I didn't know that part! Congratulations, I hope things work out for you!
Amy, I hope you have a good time, one day at a time. We love you and you deserve the best. Post a picture, maybe? It would be fun to picture the two of you. The only picture I've seen is the back of his neck and an ear. Pam
Very interesting. Mama Blabberson.
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