Some people sure become impatient for a post from the World of Amy. Well, basically, I haven't done anything worth blogging about. I've been really busy working. I've had to put in some extra hours this week for a couple of reasons: a.) I have a lot of work to do (I'm a little behind on one of my projects), and b.) I need to earn some overtime $$. I just found out last week that they're raising my rent $100/month!!! I have a few options to remedy the situation: 1.) find a cheaper place to live, 2.) find a roommate and a 2-br apartment, 3.) find a higher paying job, or 4.) work at least 1 week of overtime per month. I'm testing this last option right now (since I haven't worked any overtime since they began the program). If my calculations are correct, I need to work at least 45 hours (only an extra hour per day and the minimum required for the OT to kick in) to earn roughly that extra $100 that I need (since I haven't done it yet, I don't know EXACTLY how much it will be). It's also to prove to myself that it won't kill me (well it hasn't yet) to go in a little earlier and stay a little later.
Interesting options. Am I the impatient one you're referring to?
An additional option could be to ask for a raise. If You have not received one lately.
I do get an annual raise at the end of every year (along with my annual review), but it's not much, usually about a 3-5% increase.
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