I had a pretty full weekend. Saturday afternoon, I helped Becky paint her offices at the American Lung Association. It was a lot of fun. Believe it or not, but I have never painted before. After that, I got all cleaned up and went to my office Holiday Party. It was at a restaurant that was literally like 3 blocks from my apartment. I probably could have walked there (I wouldn't, but I could). I wore my bridesmaid dress from Mike & Sonia's wedding (thanks for picking out a good one). I got a lot of compliments on it. The party was fun. It was kind of strange to see everyone all dressed up. I hardly recognized a few people (especially all the new people). For entertainment, we had a couple magicians walking around doing card tricks and such. I'm still amazed at how they do it. The food was delicious. As a gift, everyone got "official" Cuhaci & Peterson jackets.

I said this was a weekend of Holiday Parties, because on Sunday I went to a special Christmas dinner for all the women of Trinity. That, too, was a lot of fun. Becky & I went together. The theme was about Snowflakes. They focused on friendships and how important it is to have close female friends. It was great to share the evening with one of my best friends.
So now the weekend is over and it's back to the working world. But I'll be home in just over 2 weeks! Yay! Of course, that also means I better get moving on my Christmas shopping and getting my cards out.