This was the theme for the LCMS Florida/Georgia District High School Youth Gathering this past weekend in Jacksonville. I'm curious to know if other districts had this same theme (though I'm sure their gatherings aren't until the summer). We had 11 teenagers (plus two other adults who liked to act like teenagers at times). The focus of the gathering was all about spiritual warfare and how to adequately arm ourselves. Our weapon is the "Sword of the Spirit", i.e. the Bible. One of the fun things we did was to design "war paint" on someone in our small group studies.
For our servant event, everyone went to a local park to assemble and distribute boxes of food to needy families.
This was the largest gathering to date for the district - 550 kids! I'm sure to other larger LCMS districts, this number may not seem all that impressive, but for our small district, it's pretty good. We maxed out the Radisson Riverwalk Hotel & Convention Center in Jacksonville. A good time was had by all, and I pray that the kids walked away with a new perspective.
another visit? YEAH!!!!!! You are totally welcome = )
Your pictures are great! I hope the paint washes off John's face before the wedding.
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