Fine. Here's your update (Mom). I've been busy, OK. I have a fairly demanding job and a recently acquired a semi-active social life. For those of you who read my previous post, you know what I've been up to during the week. But as for the weekend, here is how it went. On Friday night, I was supposed to have a foriegn movie night with my friend Jen, but she wasn't feeling well as postponed it to a later date TBD. So instead, I went out to see a movie with Bryan. We went to see, "Meet The Fockers." It was alright. It was funny, but a bit crude. It was basically what I expected it would be like.
I got up early on Saturday to go to yoga with Becky. I like going except for the fact that it is at 9:00 on a Saturday morning (when I would much rather be sleeping in my nice, warm, comfy bed). I found myself yawning throughout the entire session. Afterwards, I was so relaxed that I fell asleep on the couch watching TV. Since I had basically wasted my day away (but it was worth it), I figured I might as well get up, get dressed, and do something. So for my evening entertainment, I experienced some of the Orlando Night Life. Jen invited me, along with some other people, to go this club downtown to here some local bands play. Through some poor communication, I ended up there by myself. I called Jen to find out where everyone was. Apparently everyone else cancelled. Jen said that she would come and join me, but it would take her atleast a half-hour to get there and the first band, Atomic Tangerine, was getting ready to go on. I felt a little uncomfortable being there by myself, but once I found a seat at the bar and the band started playing, it wasn't too bad. After the first set, I got a call from Jen saying that she was just outside, second in line, and they stopped letting people in. Bummer for her. So we decided to visit a couple other bars instead. First we went to Room 3 Nine. We didn't stay long since it was really crowded and they weren't playing very good music (bad 80s music). So we went next door to a bar called The Lodge. It looked like a hunting lodge (a much more casual atmosphere). It was a little less crowded and the music was much better. It was still 80s music, but better. Before we knew it, it was nearly 1am and that is when the time ran out on my parking meter (and I didn't have any more change). So that meant that it was time to go. Oh well. We still had fun, even though the weather wasn't very good. It was drizzly and cold.
I didn't really do anything on Sunday. I went to church Saturday night so that I could sleep in on Sunday morning (which I did). I did get a couple loads of laundry done, so I wasn't COMPLETELY unproductive. You may think that I'm totally wasting my weekends by not doing much of anything, but when you have hectic weeks like I have, it's really nice to just not do anything!
8 years ago
No you are not totally wasting your wekend. It is called resting and recharging. Besides, you went to church, did laundry, spent time with friends AND caught up on rest. Does not sound like a wasted weekend to me. :) Linda K
Thanks for the update. MOM
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