Monday, April 02, 2007

Not Much To Report

Well, there's not much to report from this weekend because I didn't really do much of anything. Friday we had a Mardi Gras party at work. Yes, I know the real Mardi Gras was over a month ago. I guess they just needed some sort of reason to party. It was kind of fun, except the weather wasn't too cooperative. It was kind of cool and drizzly rain. The only other big news from the weekend is that my best friend Jen had her baby on Saturday afternoon. It's a boy, Jett Brandon Harris - 6lb 4oz, 19 in long. It's a short week this week. We leave REALLY early Friday morning for Chicago and a long 4-day weekend. I should have more to report then.

1 comment:

Mrs. Patterson said...

I'm ready for the weekend to begin.