Friday, July 16, 2004


Don't you just love Fridays?  I know I do.  I can tell you right now that today is not going to be a very productive day (work-wise).  The new annex has passed its final building inspection and we are set to start moving in this afternoon.  This afternoon has also been designated as a clean-up day.  We order a huge dumpster to be put out back and everyone starts chucking old drawings and whatnot.  Today is also my friend and coworker Bryan's last day.  Our team is going to go out to lunch to celebrate (it could easily turn into a 2-hour lunch).  So I just have to get through the morning and then it will be smooth sailing from there.  Last night, I met with Jim Luce again about the young adult group that we're starting.  I am really excited about this.  We've already compiled a mailing list for all members between 18 and 29.  160 names came up.  Now we will just have to see how many respond.  I met our new pastor last night.  He also sat in on the meeting.  He seems like a really cool guy and I'm looking forward to getting to know him better.  Well, I guess that I should actually get SOME work done today.

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