Monday, December 13, 2004

It's Monday...Again

Wasn't it just monday like a week ago?! Oh, yeah, I guess it was. I guess I could say that it was a pretty good weekend. I spent all day Saturday with my friend Bryan. We went to see "Ocean's 12." It was good, but not as good as the original (sequals rarely are - except for a few). But I liked it. They seemed to hint towards a 3rd film. After the movie, we walked around Downtown Disney (which is where we saw the movie). Then we went back to his house and watched more movies (one on DVD and the end of 3 other movies on tv). Sunday, I went to church in the morning and then did some much needed Christmas shopping. I didn't get it all done, but I made a good size dent in my list.

Sunday was also cousin Ryan's 18th birthday! I can't believe he's 18 and a high school senior! That means I'm getting old (26 in less than a month). But the biggest news of all (sorry Ryan) is that I am going to be an aunt! Congratulations Sam & Kristie!!!!!!

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