Friday, March 25, 2005

All That Jazz

Last night I went to see "Chicago" at the Bob Carr. Once again, there was a basketball game. But the traffic wasn't quite as bad as last time. The show started an hour after the game started so that may have helped. I made it on time this time (with a half-hour to spare). The show was good, but I have to admit that it wasn't quite the caliber of Broadway (but that was to be expected). My seats weren't near as good either (but they were cheaper and that was to be expected). I still enjoyed it.

My family is going to be here in about 12 hours or so. Woohoo! I'm so excited. I have a feeling that the day is going to go by somewhat slowly because of that. Oh well.

To Mom, Dad, Gramps, Mike, Sam, Sonia, & Kristie, see you tonight. To everyone else, have a very blessed Easter!


Anonymous said...

Same to you! Have a great time with the family~

Mrs. Patterson said...

I hope you stay healthy, this is a retroactive blog, we both know that you caught a cold but am surviving our visit very nicely, but I'll bet you'll be relieved when you finally get your space back. You've been an excellent hostess. Easter was prime time, and the baseball and dining and shopping have been grand.