Monday, March 07, 2005

I Wanna Be In The LIGHT

Sunday was the kick-off for Lutheran Schools Week, so church was entirely geared around it. The kids sang and the 5th Grade class presented the Children's Sermon via video. It was all about how we need to be in God's Light and not get blocked by the shadows of sin and temptation. It was really cute! I also spent most of my weekend "in the light," that is, outside in the SUNSHINE. I don't think I could have asked for a more perfect weekend. Saturday, I went to the Tiger game against the Yankees. What a GREAT game. It was awesome. I honestly thought we were done for in the 4th inning when we were down 8-1. But my Tigers never gave up. They battled back to WIN 9-8!!! After the game, I went to Trinity's annual auction. It was really neat. I had never been before. It was an island/tropical theme, so I got to get all dressed up in my island attire (which was fun in itself - I love getting dressed up). It was held at the Hyatt in the airport. It felt kind of weird to be at the airport and not picking anyone up, dropping anyone off, or flying anywhere (and to be dressed like I just returned from Hawaii). I bid on a few items, but I didn't win them. That's OK, because I couldn't really afford it anyways. I like to think that I helped raise the price so more $$ was raised for the school. I think about $13,000 was raised that evening. Sunday afternoon was spent just laying out by my pool (they finally refilled it). It was so relaxing to just lay there and have the sun beaming down on me. Don't worry Hannah, I wore SPF 30 sunblock the whole time.

I'm sorry to all you northerners that I keep bragging about the good weather here, but I can't help it! You're just going to have to come visit me (which are are welcome to do at ANY time).


Anonymous said...

Amy, I'm glad you're a child of the light and I like to hear about your warm weather. It makes me look forward to summer. We had a small taste today--got up to about 50, but since then a coooold front has come in and it's supposed to drop to 17 tonight. Brrr! I guess I'll stay in my warm house and read blogs! Pam

Mrs. Patterson said...

Make sure that perfect weather hangs around for another 3-4 weeks.

Mrs. Patterson said...

Make sure that perfect weather hangs around for another 3-4 weeks.