Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A Swimming Commute

I practically had to swim to work this morning. It was raining like a monsoon. The roads were becoming flooded. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to drive down Alden Road. Luckily, Lake Cuhaci hadn't quite formed yet. I did have a few run-ins with some large puddles, though, on my my swim from the parking lot to the office. I'm just glad that I had my umbrella.

Last night for bible study, I had made the suggestion that instead of our regularly scheduled study of the book "It's Not About Me," that we should watch the movie "The Passion of the Christ." We did watch the movie and Becky made dinner beforehand. It turned out to be a really good time. Eight people showed up. Most of us had seen the movie atleast once, but there were a couple people who were seeing it for the first time. After the movie, we had a brief discussion time about the movie and people's thoughts about it.

On side note, my family will be here in 2 DAYS!!!!!


Mrs. Patterson said...

You have two days to dry out Orlando. I want Dad to watch the movie, he hasn't yet, he said he's afraid. See you Friday.

Amy said...

There is an edited version (less graphic) out in the theaters right now.